Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year???

A new year is nothing much to me as it’s just another time to restart my torturing time of the year again~ I always been thinking that a new year can be a good start and make a good changes in my life but somehow it seem like it’s going from bad to worst…

Maybe this is because i’m still having my nightmare over the issue of studies and been hoping to start working soon and be independent on my own life. I’m surely thankful for my parent to support me but i feel that i must do the other way around and to do that is to faster complete my studies, start working while getting a stable and good income to reduce their burden.

I still have interest in bowling as i been bowling for many years now so i was planning once i graduate, i might try out a few international tournament and still wondering weather to change from spinner to hook. If i can’t make it then guess i have to settle with the hard work of a stable job. All this still flying around my mind but eventually the time will come for me to decide. So hopefully this year will be something positive to think about~

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