This movie remind me of amageddon, Deep Impact and Day After Tomorrow but if you do a comparison this movie is seriously out of the chart among this three popular movie. So from what i know this movie is a remake from a very old movie just that now it has much better computer generated effect and quite shocking movie title if you ask me…
Since the movie in japanese so i would rely on the subtitle which it’s so pathetic translation and luckily i understand some of the word they are saying. I often watch anime so i basically know how the flow of the movie goes and for sure their OST(Original Sound Track) is way much nicer than english movie.
One thing i really don’t understand is why the main male actor can travel to different places so fast and without problem when the entire country is SINKING and building are colapsing?!?!??! Seriously totally not logical. Another issue which i really tense up is from such an intense storyline ended up to become a love story~ Well it’s alrite to go into love story scene but still it’s really nonsense when there is a part the main female actor start saying "Make love with me…" and the main male character started to cry and waste a few minutes of my life waiting for what to happen and he say "Sorry i can’t… We already made a promise…"
I was like~ WTF?!?!?!? From such a lovely storyline ended up to some desperate girl who suddenly want to have sex and the guy rejected that offer cause he wanted to go save his country from sinking and allowing her made that promise a come true~!
Well all i can say is the near ending of the movie destroy the entire storyline and it’s best you just imagine Malaysia sinking would be more interesting than Japan~
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