Sunday, July 09, 2006

Rip at YouTube

logo_tagline_smWhen i first started visiting i was a little excited that i could get to see almost all of the music video that i like and assuming that i could download them! but think again… user are only able to view the video and not able saving it… I was a little frustrated as i won’t be able to keep the video file in my hard disk and what i did that time was finding a way to save the file or in order word video ripping.

When i was about to find the method on ripping the file, i realize that the video are in flash format! Seriously i was quite suprise that time as its consider something new but i still have some how as there is a few software that could rip flash format. So i try digging out some flash ripping software and tried out and the next thing you know~ I rip the flash file but then again… the only thing i got to rip was the video player not the video that i wanted… I was really tense that time as i wonder did i rip the wrong flash… so i try again… and it the result was the same… After a few tries and doing some research around, basically nobody are able to rip the video out! It is a sad day for most people who wanted to rip some good video but i believe that one day somebody will manage to get a method to rip those video files out from the site and guess what! I found a post on how to rip video files out from the sites and it work!

After following a few step and downloading a few software i manage to get myself a decent music video and got to learn something new like there is actually a format called Flash Video (.flv). Maybe this format has been out for long time but then again i’m not really into multimedia so doesn’t matter which at least i know it now hahaha

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