Saturday, November 19, 2005

My mom’s sister wedding dinner

wedding_dinnerI just got back from my mom’s sister wedding ceremony and dinner which it has totally drain my energy totally dry! For your information the image beside is me and both of my niece which i havent meet them for years. Basically they are so hyperactive i having hard time doing my things during the dinner as i have to help out to allocate the seat for the guests when they arrive. Other than that, my other niece and cousin which not on the photo also gave me hard time as they are even more hyperactive!

It’s tiring to play around with them while doing other things but its fun as well and the feeling of happiness being with them after so many years of not meeting each other. The dinner was unorganized as the management of the restaurant are poorly done but at least its settle as the wedding dinner was very simple but at least they are happy with it. There is a lot of thing i wanted to talk about here and gave me a lot of experience but i think i better keep it to myself and also i’m extremely tired to write it right now. At least i’m happy to meet all of my relative from my mother side after so many years of not meeting them~

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