For your information this project i started right after my holidays and this idea came to me when i started realize that my anime list are getting too long and fill with just plan text on Microsoft Excel so i was thinking of starting a project to code this program ever since i learn how to use Visual Basic. So right now instead of just showing plain text, it now show full information on the anime, image and also reminder on when to update the information. As time pass, so does my coding getting more and more complex and when it gets more complex means that it has more problem and a lot of troubleshoot needed to be done in order for each function to work well so few days ago i ended up in a dead end which i been trying to figure out the way to make the coding work but after much of research i made a conclusion that i made a wrong approach on the core of the coding…
Which sadly for me that i have to restart the project again but at least i learn something new and hopefully it help in the future. If i had the time i might try to blog more on the progress and if anyone is interested you can message me for idea. So now back to work again…
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